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Fire and Rain: West to get more one-two extreme climate hits.

The one-two punch of nasty wildfires followed by heavy downpours triggering flooding and mudslides will strike the U.S. West far more often in a...

Security Scare in Georgetown: Secret Service Agents Thwart Break-in Targeting Naomi...

A quiet night in Georgetown turns dramatic as Secret Service agents protect Naomi Biden from a break-in. Uncover the details of the intervention, the suspects' escape, and the surge in car-related crimes in Washington. Stay informed about safety challenges in the nation's capital.

Malaysian companies urged to reduce plastic use to clean oceans

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is urging the Malaysian government to work with companies to immediately come up with effective measures to...

Norwegian oil giant cancels plan to drill in Great Australian Bight

Equinor, a Norwegian multinational energy company, announced that it has abandoned its plan to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight for reasons...

Philippines cancels flights due to Taal Volcano eruption

Philippines’ Taal Volcano, located near its capital city Manila, erupted Sunday afternoon, forcing airline companies to cancel several flights. The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) stopped...

Nestle boosts reforestation in Americas to reduce carbon footprint

Swiss food giant Nestle S.A. has vowed to plant at least three million trees in Mexico and Brazil by next year as part of its...

WHO says 99% of the world’s population breathes poor-quality air.

GENEVA Switzerland: The U.N. health agency says nearly everybody in the world breathes air that doesn’t meet its standards for air quality. Calling for...

Asia’s US$350bil gas projects intensify the clean energy debate.

SINGAPORE: Asia is pumping billions of dollars into new gas infrastructure. Making the region pivotal in a debate over the role of fossil fuels...

Germany seeks to boost renewable energy and cut Russian imports.

BERLIN Germany: The German government unveiled a major package of reforms. To boost the production of renewable power, and meet its climate goals. And...

Greenhouse gas emissions rose in Rhode Island.

While Rhode Island is trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and set an example for other states environmental officials said Friday that emissions were...

PH seismology bureau warns of volcanic tsunami if Taal’s intensity raised...

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said Monday morning that the Taal volcano could bring a “volcanic tsunami” if activities escalate. ...

Activists stage global climate protest, slam Ukraine war.

Berlin Germany: Climate activists staged the 10th series of worldwide protests. To demand that leaders take stronger action against global warming. With some linking...

UK regulator revokes license of Russia-backed broadcaster RT.

LONDON UK: Britain’s communications regulator revoked the license of the state-funded Russian broadcaster RT amid concern that its coverage of the war in Ukraine...

Volcano eruption won’t hit Philippines GDP, says Economist

The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) of the Philippines said that the economic impact of Taal Volcano’s eruption does not pose a significant slowdown...

UN chief: Don’t let Russia crisis fuel climate destruction.

BERLIN Germany: Countries scrambling to replace Russian oil, gas, and coal supplies with any available alternative. May fuel the world’s “mutually assured destruction” through...

Snowstorms hit Afghanistan, Pakistan killing 54 people

At least 54 people were reported dead due to the severe weather that struck some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The authorities said that the death...

UN: War in Ukraine to hurt poor nations importing grain.

ROME: U.N. food agency warned that Poorer countries in northern Africa, Asia, and the Middle East risk suffering significant food insecurity because of Russia’s...

Russian strikes hit western Ukraine as offensive widens

LVIV, Ukraine: Russia widened its military offensive in Ukraine on Friday, striking airfields in the west and an industrial city in the east. A...

New rules for companies on climate risks proposed by SEC.

WASHINGTON USA: Companies would be required to disclose the greenhouse gas emissions they produce. And how climate risk affects their business under new rules...

Australia saves wildlife by airdropping food

The month-long bushfires in Australia have created an adverse impact on the wildlife, with millions of animals killed and habitats destroyed.With this, the Australian...

Top investment manager says climate crisis could reshape finance

BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink recently claimed that climate change could trigger a fundamental restructuring of finance as it is worse than the inflation spike...

UK financial system threatened by climate change

Banks and insurers in the United Kingdom are critically horrified by the huge financial risks that climate change brings. With environment and economy being...

Amazon employees warned of being fired for speaking out environmental issues

Multinational tech company Amazon allegedly threatened to fire some employees who spoke out negatively about its environmental policies. This was claimed by Amazon Employees for Climate...

Power plants in areas affected by Ph’s volcano eruption continue to...

First Gen Corp announced that it has maintained operations in its four power plants in Batangas, Philippines despite the eruption of the Taal Volcano,...

Unveiling Russia’s Military Challenges: A Deep Dive into Expert Perspectives

August 10, 2023 Recent developments on the military front have thrust Russia into the spotlight, as reports of setbacks and challenges have sparked a public...

Australia’s bushfires hit businesses leading to more than $2 billion economic...

Several companies in Australia, including resorts, factories and insurance firms, have been reportedly hit as the summer’s devastating bushfires continue to rage. With fires ripping through...

Hope Amidst Conflict: Israel and Hamas Agree to Ceasefire, Releasing Hostages...

In a pivotal move offering hope amid the ongoing Middle East conflict, Israel and Hamas agreed to a four-day ceasefire, releasing 50 hostages from Gaza and freeing 150 Palestinian prisoners. International pressure, notably from the US and its allies, influenced this breakthrough, marking the first significant lull in the conflict since its eruption over six weeks ago. The phased release, accompanied by a cessation of military operations, underscores the potential for de-escalation, yet the region remains cautiously observant, with the uncertainty of a more permanent arrangement.

FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Appeals Conviction and Lengthy Sentence for Cryptocurrency Fraud

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried launches an appeal against his conviction and lengthy prison term for alleged cryptocurrency fraud, marking a pivotal legal battle in one of the largest financial scandals in US history.